It seems that of last December, the craze for women is to purchase shoes that tone your butt, thighs, and calfs while walking. It just so happens that I found an article that dared to compare the different shoes and found that most of them "do not practice what they preach"(Frakes). However, if you are still interested in them here is a link of the user reviews. I might add, that SQUATing is more effective and cheaper than a pair of $100 tennis shoes that you would have to replace after three months of intense use, which is what you would have to do to get the same effect of doing sQuats. Here is a quick overview of the muscles that you will be working with the sQuats:
The main muscles targeted by the squat are the:
Hip flexors
Lower back
A dissenter might say" But Senor Lopez, I don't want my legs to get big and look like a man's," They won't if you don't lift heavy. Go for more reps at a lighter weight and you will tone up and be happy. Below is the link that compares the different shoes.
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